Hi,I'm Kitchen Staff, and I'm the webmaster and the creater of Warum Warum Vrrmm.I've been making original characters since 2015.At first, they where just characters that I just drew with a little bit of personailty and backstory, but now they've gotten more development and even a story for them.I am planning to make a series about my characters in the future and to post it here when it's done.I'll put up some stuff like characters and some minor plot things but nothing major until the series releases.
I like VOCALOID, anime, video games, drawing, and cosplaying.
I made this website because I don't wanna be scared that my series will randomly taken down because it violates some bullshit rule.
Some of the stamps and blinkies on here are ironic and some of them aren't, it's up to you to find out which is which.
The image to the left is my persona guy (who I drew and designed).
Blogs:Tumblr Ameba PillowFort
Video Sites:Nico Nico Douga Bit View VidLii
Art Sites: Art Fight Cara Pixiv Refsheet Zerochan Deviant Art
Media Tracking Sites: The Backloggery Letterboxd MyAnimeList Anilist Last.FM volt.fm Serializd
Misc: imood Newgrounds Internet Archive Planet Minecraft Piapro Bluesky Dream Width Gaia Online
Me wearing an Adison pin (that I made myself)
You Just Lost The Game >:)